Some might call me a modern day hippie and I'm ok with that, but I just like to think that I'm an informed health-conscious person. I refuse to brush my teeth with fluoridated toothpaste so when I'd run out of store bought non-fluoridated toothpaste, I did what had to be done. I mean, extreme times call for extreme measures, right? Anyone else tried brushing their teeth with pure baking soda? Not something I looked forward to but better than nothing!
I found numerous recipes online on how to make your own toothpaste and I found one that was extremely easy to make. Coconut oil, baking soda and peppermint essential oil. I went out on a limb and added some clove essential oil and a pinch of pink Himalayan salt as well. Because it's been recommended that essential oils be stored in glass, I went out and purchased a cute little glass container. Many thanks to Wellness Mama for the great info on how to make this toothpaste!